it to confirm the subscription. This extra step helps you confirm that it is an email address that is actually being used and will therefore improve your email marketing metrics. 8) Do not use an email address "" Surely more clipping path service than once you have received emails from email addresses that start with " noreply ". But although it is a common technique, it can bring several problems: Reduces email deliverability. Increases the chances of being marked as spam. It worsens the customer experience, since users cannot send you their questions. Instead, I recommend using an email address
like personname yourcompany or custome rservice yourcom pany. And of course, make sure someone is watching her and responding to emails. 9) Personalize your emails Email marketing personalization helps you create better-targeted emails that stand out in the inbox. Personalization is not limited to putting the user's name in the subject, but you should also use everything you know about them to adapt the text of the email and even the offer. 10) Check emails before sending them It is already known that haste is a bad adviser. To prevent a silly mistake from ruining your email campaign, send yourself a test
email and check that everything is in order: The email loads correctly. Images look good and have alternative texts. There are no spelling errors. Links and call-to-action buttons work. The email looks good both from the computer and from the mobile. Tik Tok reaches 1 billion subscribers By Chantal India , published on 22 October 2021 On September 27, 2021, Tik Tok published a blog post announcing that they had reached 1 billion monthly active users , a milestone in the history of this network. And this is not the only relevant news for brands: the same week Tik Tok World was held, a virtual event in which the social network announced
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