Finally, it covers extra details in an FAQ section with minimal white space. After you take an easy-breezy journey through the product’s benefits, Amazon invites you to get started, without distractions. Then, you can dig through the FAQ if you have any questions. Boost user-friendliness When you use white space on your landing page, you want your users to see it on every platform. Keep your white space consistent across all viewing formats, including web and mobile layouts. Additionally, make sure that your white space placement on desktop doesn’t push things out of the way—or create overlaps—on smaller devices. It’s all about the seventh principle of conversion-centered landing page design: reducing friction.
According to Statcounter, 41.97% of global web traffic came from desktop users in May 2021, with 55.31% coming from mobile. With more than half of your customers using mobile, you’ll want them to have a great landing page experience, too. This mobile landing page from ClaimCompass balances white space with ease of use. Image courtesy of Claim Compass In the first section, this mobile landing page draws attention to the background between its header buy email list and subheader. Then, it spaces its benefits with checkmarks and micro white space to keep them readable.
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All of the elements feel like they’re in the right place, even with white space included in a mobile format. Embrace the Space Don’t underestimate the power of white space. When you give your design elements room to breathe, they’ll serve their intended purpose much more effectively. (Which gives you a better shot at earning conversions, too.) Check out the 7 Principles of Conversion-Centered Design for a crash course on building landing pages that convert
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